Secrets to a Productive Week

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It’s Sunday night and you are getting chills thinking about your ever-growing to do list. You dread checking your email on Monday because you know that things are going to get crazzzyyyy!

Stop, take a second to breathe. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, try and focus on these ways that you can prepare for a productive week!

Plan your week on Sunday or Monday:

Schedule time to make your to-do list on Sunday night or Monday morning. I personally make my list at 9:45am every Monday morning. I even set a calendar reminder to keep me honest!

Decide if an analog or digital to-do list works best for you, then prioritize your to-dos. I always like to make my full weekly list, then break it down by day. I love to bold the items that MUST get done during the week, then limit my to-do items to 5 or less per day.

If you put too MUCH on your to-do list, then you will face disappointment if you don’t reach those lofty goals.

Set small attainable goals:

Before you finalize your to-do list, make sure that the items on that list are actually attainable and small. Take a large goal and break it down into baby steps. Make those baby steps your to-dos and watch your goal get achieved 10x faster. You’re welcome!!

Meditation and Me-time:

As a mom who works full time and runs a business, life can get insanely busy. One way for me to get back to center is to practice meditation and catch some alone time.

Meditation can help you reset and clear your head when you are stressed. If you plan and make time for alone time and even meditation, you will set yourself up for a well-balanced and productive week.

Get sweatin’

That’s right, get your workout on! Exercising can give you an extra boost of energy, which helps you get ish done.

When you are feeling sluggish and you want to give up on your goals, consider adding some resistance training to your morning. I always feel sooo much more productive when I am able to get a morning workout in at least four times per week.

Meal Prep

Exercise is not the only thing that can impact your energy and productivity, your diet can also affect the ability to tackle your to-do list. Taking the time to prep your meals can free up extra hours, so you can focus on taking over the world!

It also helps you make healthier choices because your meals will already be made, giving you less temptation to order a Wendy’s Cheeseburger from Postmates. Yes girl, I see you!!

Take frequent breaks

If you are grinding 24/7, you will be less productive than working while taking breaks. The trick to getting MORE done sometimes is working LESS. Working smarter, not harder is the goal.

One way to be more productive is trying out the pomodoro method. This means working 25 minutes, then taking a few minutes break. Keep on doing this cycle until your tasks are done. I use this method at work and it helps me work through big projects!

Pencil in your friends

It can be so tempting to sequester yourself and throw yourself against whatever tasks on your to do list. I encourage you to log off and enjoy some social time with your loved ones. You can still be productive and spend time with your friends! Laughing can give you that extra boost of energy to crush those goals.

I like to add social time to my weekly to-do list, so I can check off the box! It may seem a little silly, but it works.  

Self-care is crucial

Meal-prep, exercising and creating to do lists can all be excellent forms of self-care, but it is also nice to add in a little indulgence to your week. Love chocolate? Treat yourself to a chocolate bar and enjoy every single little bite.

Some of my favorite guilty pleasure self-care is watching bad reality TV while eating chips. Yes, I know it doesn’t exactly fall in line with healthy choices, but it adds a little extra joy to my day. I care for myself by allowing my sacred TV time without feeling guilty.

Watch something that makes you laugh

Just like meeting up with friends and laughing about the questionable boyfriends that you dated in high school, you can also capture that same feeling by watching a funny movie.

Reflect and Recharge

At the end of the week, how do you even know if you have been productive? The best way to understand your measure of productivity, I find it helpful to journal my thoughts and reflect on what went well, what I should improve on and what I am excited about for the following week.

I love to spend a Sunday quiet night reflecting on the past week and pouring my energy and intentions into a positive mood for the next week.

What are your secrets for a successful and productive week? Let me know below!

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DEI Consultant

Hi, I’m Simone!

I’m a Certified DEI Practitioner and I work with organizations, entrepreneurs, and small business owners to create values-centered business strategies and impactful trainings.


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