
How to save time and get new leads with Tailwind’s SmartSchedule feature

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*This article is sponsored by Tailwind. All opinions are my own. 

So I just started diving into the world of Pinterest and Tailwind. I have had a goal of growing the passive side of my business because I am in a major expansion season!

Pinterest isn’t just for bloggers and home decor aficionados – it also can be used to grow your coaching business by bringing in more leads.

I wanted to break down an easy way to get more leads AND document the process of setting up your Tailwind account, so you can set yourself up with a nice funnel for new leads without spending hours a day manually pinning! I have been LOVING their SmartSchedule feature and how easy it is to auto-pin my freebies and grow my Pinterest account. 

  1. Get a Pinterest account

First things first, you need a Pinterest account to get started. Go ahead and head to Pinterest and set up your Pinterest account! I highly recommend playing around in there, getting some pins started and watching tutorials on YouTube for how to build your boards and how to create viral pins.

  1. Make some pins (lead magnets + freebies)

Starting with 5-10 pins is a great goal, then creating more pins weekly can be helpful. Remember that content repurposing is your friend. Make sure that you recycle your most popular IG posts, create dedicated blog posts for your YouTube videos and have a content machine in order, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Remember that keywords are your friends and SEO is everything. 

After doing some research, make sure that you prioritize creating pins that are for your lead magnets and freebies. These can be anything from a great free mini course, a template, or a free PDF guide. 

You want to ensure that your freebie/lead magnet truly over delivers and gives people value beyond Free99. You want to deliver at least $200 worth of value for free, because that will create more trust and a better chance for this new lead to become a customer down the line. 

  1. Get a Tailwind account

Next step is getting your Tailwind account all set up! Tailwind is an amazing, Pinterest-verified tool that helps you track your pin analytics and automate scheduling your pins. I am just getting started with Tailwind and I found that it saves me HOURS to schedule pins, as it is recommended that you share 20+ pins a day.

Hot tip: pick one day per week to schedule pins and to monitor the progress. You have to continue to educate yourself and learn more weekly!

  1. Start scheduling your pins with SmartSchedule. 

Okay, here is the fun part. I definitely recommend downloading the Tailwind Chrome extension, so you can easily schedule your Pins and put them into queue for fast and easy scheduling.

You’re probably wondering what a SmartSchedule is all about! SmartSchedule is a feature within Tailwind that helps you bulk schedule your pins at one time, so you can save hours through the week.

You can select multiple pins to drop into a queue and then they sort out the most engaged times for pinning.

Tailwind makes it super easy to add the pins to a queue and then they suggest the best time to pin. I love it because it takes the guess work out of when to pin and how often to pin them. Also, it only took me about 10 minutes to learn how to use the feature AND schedule out my pins. I know that if I do this 1-2x a week, I will see a big surge in my freebie clicks/downloads!

If you prefer to schedule the actual time, you can also change the time of the pin and have it automatically get pinned to the boards at certain times. This feature is amazing if you are just getting started, like me!

  1. Keep adding fresh content

Keep on creating your own freebies, blog posts, videos, and IG pins for Pinterest. You gotta keep feeding the Pinterest beast to get more followers and views.

I am especially excited about the SmartSchedule feature because I am able to save time and circulate fresh content, extend my reach + email list and make it faster and less painful to track. 

  1. Check your analytics!

Analytics are your friend, people! I am excited to dive more into analytics and see which of my lead magnets are getting the most traction and the highest analytics. My goal is always to serve my clients and grow my email list, and you can use Tailwind’s analytics to monitor the growth of your account. 

While I am still super new to the world of Tailwind, I am super excited to see how it grows from here!

Are you currently using Pinterest for your business and to get more hot leads inside of your email list? 

**This post was sponsored by Tailwind

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DEI Consultant

Hi, I’m Simone!

I’m a Certified DEI Practitioner and I work with organizations, entrepreneurs, and small business owners to create values-centered business strategies and impactful trainings.


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