How to Network like a BOSS!

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Networking. The very word sends chills down our spines. Hob-nobbing and elbow rubbing with other industry people can be intimidating. 

Congratulations! You just launched your new business. You decide to head out into the world and attend some networking events, but then you realize you haven’t the slightest idea how to network. 

I have compiled my favorite tips to make the most out of any networking event!

Have your two-minute elevator pitch ready

Be able to talk about yourself and your business for two whole minutes! I think that one minute is usually long enough, but have a nice little soundbyte about your business. Tell them what you do, who you serve and why you are at this networking event. 

Don’t hard sell them

Remember that you are at this event to make new contacts and relationships. Unless they ask you for a proposal on the spot (which they likely won’t) leave the selling for later. Keep it light and get to know people!

Be friendly and remember names

It can be daunting meeting 20+ people in one night. Keep it friendly and casual, without settling on topics like politics, religion or dating. This is a professional setting and you want to put your best foot forward. Excuse yourself from inappropriate jokes and weird people that make you uncomfortable. Also, try your best to remember others’ names! It will make a huge difference and increase your likeability!

Don’t forget your business cards!

Yes, it seems like you can just drop your IG handle and they will remember to follow you. That’s not the way it works. I can’t tell you how many networking events that I have attended and COMPLETELY have forgotten the other person’s name or the name of their business. Get some inexpensive business cards printed from VistaPrint and keep some of them on you at all times!

Wear comfortable clothes

Leave the 5 inch pumps at home, honey. Instead bring your comfy and cute flats. Pick some that you can stand in for at least 2 hours. I also recommend wearing fuss-free clothes that you don’t need to readjust all night. A pair of dark jeans and a nice top is always a safe choice. Jazz up your outfit with some fun jewelry and get to work!

Don’t linger too long

It can be so tempting to stay within your “safety blanket” of friends that you came with or stick around one person that you have connected with early on. Try to branch out and create a few meaningful connections, but be sure not to linger too long! You do not want to be the person that shuts the party down at a networking event. 

Lastly, remember that you are awesome!

Don’t downplay your business or make it seem small. You are a legitimate business owner and you are out here to take over the world. Be confident and assured of your skills. Happy networking y’all! 

What is your favorite networking tip?

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DEI Consultant

Hi, I’m Simone!

I’m a Certified DEI Practitioner and I work with organizations, entrepreneurs, and small business owners to create values-centered business strategies and impactful trainings.


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