Don’t stress about posting daily!

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Should you focus on posting daily on social media?

How often do you REALLY need to post on social media? First of all, YOU DON’T HAVE TO POST EVERY DAY! Let me say it again for the people in the back: you don’t have to post errrrday! Yes, of course it is important to be consistent and avoid taking 30 days off of social media. But don’t stress yourself out about posting every single day at 5pm.

Quality over quantity

It may sound cliché, but it is more about quality over quantity. If you are posting just for the sake of staying consistent, but your posts are just stock photos with no captions or random quotes, then it may be time to rethink your strategy.

Instead of posting everyday, think about taking the time to craft out some engaging posts that speak to your audience. If you are a yoga instructor, ditch the yoga pose stock photo and instead post a mini guide (with IG photos) to the top 3 yoga poses for back pain.

Automation is key

Quality’s close partner in crime is automation. If you feel like you are willing and able to show up everyday for your audience with some BOMB daily content, then its time to move on to the next phase towards world domination: automation, baby!

Facebook has an easy scheduler tool, and you can schedule Instagram posts via Planoly, Hootsuite, Buffer and a variety of other tools. All you need to do is create a solid content calendar, and then execute! If you can spend 3-4 hours planning out 4 weeks of content, that could save you up to 30 minutes per day!

Don’t post, then peace out

If you are posting consistently, then you still NEED to engage consistently with other people on Instagram and Facebook. Like some posts, follow some hashtags and drop a few comments. It has been noted that the best time to engage is right before + after you post. What is the point of posting consistently, if you don’t consistently show up for your social family!?

Switch it up!

You don’t have to be a stickler about daily posts on IG or FB. You can stay active by using Instagram stories, Facebook Lives and other forms of content. I love to switch up my content plan by posting on multiple channels. This way you can look present even if you don’t actually post on your channels.

You can also dedicate days of the week to posting certain topics. If you are a beauty blogger, you can participate in #makeupmonday and post your favorite makeup looks. Or a forever favorite and easy win is to dig up an oldie but goodie for #throwbackthursday. This can keep you accountable when you have no idea what to post!

I hope this gave you some ideas of things to focus on instead of posting daily. Obviously, in a dream world, we would be able to post multiple times a day on all channels to reach our target audience. Many of us have businesses to run and jobs to do, so just focus on creating the best content possible and to automate the heck out of it!  

If you need more content ideas and social media tips, follow me on Instagram @savvysimone !

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DEI Consultant

Hi, I’m Simone!

I’m a Certified DEI Practitioner and I work with organizations, entrepreneurs, and small business owners to create values-centered business strategies and impactful trainings.


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